Monday, 16 September 2013

Clannad (All series) - Review

Genres: Drama / Romance / Fantasy 
No. of Episodes: Clannad: 22 episodes
                           Clannad After Story:  22 episodes
My Rate: 9.5/10

 The most beautiful and dramatic anime I ever watched. It was the first time I was crying so many times while watching an anime ;_; Every episode was entertaining, some were very sad and also some were very funny.

-Friends, love, sad stories, other mysterious world, ghost student-
Tomoya Okazaki hated the town, school and his whole life because of his bad memories of it.. Until he meets Nagisa Furukawa. Very shy girl, older than him but repeats the last year in school so she is in the same Year as him. He helps her to open a drama club in school, but the problem is that no one is interested. Tomoya helps Nagisa to be more stronger and also helps other students in the school with their problems. Also there are scenes/story where there is a wee girl in a lonely world who made a robot and make it as her friend.
'Afterstory' are the episodes about what happens after they finnish school and are like young adults.


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